Below are the PA Family Network workshop and support groups for March 2025. Thank you for sharing these important workshops and Good Life Groups with your network!
Register for upcoming events at
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 25-021 Newly Released: The CI Program Spotlight Quarterly Newsletter. The purpose of this communication is to communicate to the above entities that the Temple University Harrisburg Certified Investigator Program and the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) have released a new issue of the quarterly newsletter, The CI Program Spotlight.
Please review the announcement for additional information and details.
The Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the March 2025 training and events calendar. Please share widely.
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 25-020 Performance-Based Contracting Residential Provider Data Submission Tool Availability, to residential providers. The purpose of this announcement is to inform residential providers that the link to the Performance-Based Contracting (PBC) Data Submission Tool will be available on February 15, 2025.
Please review the announcement for additional information and details.
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 25-019 Residential Provider Pay for Performance Data Submission Tool Availability, to residential providers. The purpose of this announcement is to inform residential providers that the link to the Pay for Performance (P4P) Data Submission Tool will be available on February 15, 2025.
Please review the announcement for additional information and details.
The Office of Developmental Programs is re-distributing the attached previous communication, ODPANN 24-061: Individuals' Participation in Decisions About Community Participation: Requirements for Regulatory Compliance.
Please review the attachment for additional information and details.
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 25-017 Listening Sessions for Renewal of the Adult Autism Waiver (AAW) effective July 1, 2026 Update, to all interested persons. The purpose of this communication is to notify the field that there has been a change in the platform being used to host this listening session, and the previously published registration links are obsolete.
Please review the attached announcement for additional information and details.
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 25-018 Pay For Performance (P4P) Data Submission Tool, to all interested persons. The purpose of this communication is to announce that a PDF version of the Residential Provider Pay-For-Performance (P4P) Data Submission Tool is now available.
Please review the announcement for additional information and details.
Please assist the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) in sharing the February 2025 Virtual Events Calendar from Self Advocates United as 1 (SAU1)
Secretary Val Arkoosh and leadership from the Department of Human Services (DHS) will host a webinar to discuss the proposed 2025-26 budget for the department. The briefing will take place at 10 a.m. on Friday, February 7. If you are unable to attend, the briefing will be recorded and available for viewing afterwards on DHS’ Youtube channel.
Click here to register for the briefing. All who plan to attend must register individually. A link for the webinar will be sent Thursday evening. We encourage you to submit questions ahead of the briefing so we can prepare as much information as possible. We will follow up on any questions that we are unable to answer during the webinar.
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 25-017 Listening Sessions for Renewal of the Adult Autism Waiver (AAW) effective July 1, 2026, to all interested persons. The purpose of this communication is to announce that ODP will be holding two webinars to give all stakeholders and interested persons the opportunity to voice ideas for updating and improving the AAW. ODP will take this opportunity to listen to stakeholders and use this input for the AAW 2026 renewal process.
Please review the announcement for additional information and details.
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 25-016 Newly Released Updates to Certified Investigator (CI) Recertification. The purpose of this communication is to announce the release of new requirements for CI Recertification and a revised timeline for access to the CI Recertification exam.
Please review the announcement for additional information and details.
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 25-014 Provider Qualification Process. The purpose of this communication is to share that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) require a statewide process to ensure providers are qualified to render services to waiver-funded individuals. The Provider Qualification Process described in this announcement outlines the steps the Assigned Administrative Entity (AE) and provider must follow to meet these requirements, and the steps Supports Coordinators (SCs) take to transition individuals if needed. This communication does not describe the qualification process for SC organizations.
Please review the announcement for additional information and details.
Attached is the latest edition of the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Technology Taskforce Newsletter: Technology Today. Technology promotes inclusion, diversity, and participation and offers better support for individuals with disabilities, family members, and providers. We understand accessibility is key and strive to support individuals with disabilities, family members, and providers with resources, events, and other important updates in the assistive technology world. The hope is that you will learn something new and pass it along to others.
This 11’th edition of ODP Tech Taskforce's newsletter helps us start out the new year with some valuable assistive technology resources, sensory friendly opportunities, exciting upcoming events in the supportive technology world, and even a personal story of an individual who demonstrates how assistive technology can make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities.