Developing Capacity to Support People with Complex Behavioral Needs

The Committee on Developing Capacity to Support People with Complex Behavioral Needs is focused on developing PAR members’ abilities to meet the unique needs of people with ID/A who also have significant mental health and behavioral challenges, within the Everyday Lives framework. 

Members recognize that supporting people with complex behavioral and behavioral health needs is particularly challenging. Historically, these are people who find congregate care the most difficult to endure as well as who pose the greatest difficulties to both the congregate care and community programs that attempt to support them. 

Members explore and discuss best practices, emerging options, and innovative resources in order to achieve the objective of developing enhanced capacity. The committee partners with designated ODP representatives and other stakeholders to identify and create broad system-based solutions to the challenges of supporting people with complex behavioral needs in community settings.


Dionne Bates, Chair

Clinical and Educational Services Director
Supportive Behavioral Resources, Inc.
[email protected]

Dionne began her career in 1997 working with children with behavioral health challenges as a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist. Her love for children led her to pursue a career in education. Dionne received her master’s degree in Special Education in 2002 and worked as a Special Education Teacher for four years in the Philadelphia School District. In her role as the Clinical Director at Supportive Behavioral Resources, Dionne provides direct oversight of the behavior support and educational services. Dionne is also a founding member of the Pennsylvania Association of Behavioral Specialists (PABS) and a Certified Supports Broker. In her spare time, she enjoys providing respite care to individuals and their families.